How to remove the smell from the sofa with improvised means?


We have prepared some tips to help remove the unpleasant odor from your furniture without cleaning products and chemicals.
Are you tired of the unpleasant smell of old furniture, but do not want to chemically process your sofa? Then we have a great alternative for you - there are several simple ways, with the help of improvised means that are in the arsenal of any housewife, you can bring out even the most stagnant smell.

How to remove odor from a sofa with a soda and vacuum cleaner?

Baking soda is a natural adsorbent, which, when used correctly, has the ability to absorb odors and will help you in the difficult task of cleaning the sofa. Take a salt shaker or a similar dispenser and add soda to it. Then sprinkle generously on her upholstery on the couch or a stain mark if it is a source of bad smell.
We want to warn that baking soda does not give an instant effect, so give it time to do its job - to neutralize as many particles that cause odor as possible. In most cases, a couple of hours will be enough, but if you doubt the result, you can leave the soda for the night. To avoid allergies or poisoning, do not use furniture at this time, and insulate it from children and pets. Next, take a vacuum cleaner and walk well on the surface of the furniture. But keep in mind that for most furniture fabrics the use of nozzles with stiff nap is contraindicated, as it can damage the structure of the fabric. This method is suitable for most cases and will perfectly cope with the unpleasant odor on your furniture.

Note. Baking soda will have a different effect, depending on the cause of the smell, the degree of contamination, and other signs of furniture use. It easily neutralizes acidic compounds, but is not a panacea for all problems.

How to remove odor from the sofa using concentrated soda solution?

If you do not have time to wait until the soda works, you can try to make a more concentrated solution in the form of a spray. To do this, you need to take a small bottle with a nozzle for spraying and mix in it:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • a couple drops of aromatic oil, such as lavender
  • warm water

Then, shake it thoroughly and apply to the surface of the fabric as a quick and environmentally friendly freshener. The aromatic oil in the composition will help quickly disguise the unpleasant odor, while a light film of baking soda will work to eliminate sources of odor. The trick is to mix the optimal amount of oil and soda so that the resulting solution does not have a vigorous aroma, and baking soda does not leave noticeable marks, so you will probably have to experiment.
Using this solution, you can remove the smell not only from the sofa, but also from the mattress.

How to remove odor from the surface of a sofa using a vinegar spray?

If your sofa has an old, musty smell that even the strongest products do not remove, then we recommend that you try the following method. Before using the solution, you need to thoroughly clean the furniture upholstery from dirt and stains. Use the first method with soda and a vacuum cleaner, as a preparatory step. After preparing the solution, for this you need:

  • ½ tablespoon of liquid soap (dishwashing detergent is also suitable)
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar
  • ¾ glass of water

Spray the solution onto the surface of the furniture fabric and rub it thoroughly into the upholstery using a soft bristle brush. Then, leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, take a bucket of clean water and wash the upholstery until the soap suds disappear. Leave the sofa to dry completely.
Please note that vinegar has a high acidity and can damage delicate fabrics. Use this method on strong fabrics, but before starting work, check on an inconspicuous area to make sure the fabric will withstand.

How to remove odor from the sofa with citrus enzymes?

Enzymes are protein compounds that are used to break down other molecules, making them an excellent tool for natural cleansing and freshness. Enzymes are a catalyst and destroy odor causing particles and, especially, will be relevant in removing odor from urine.
On the Internet you can find a huge assortment of enzyme sprays for every taste and budget. If you have free time, and you want to make it with your own hands, then use our recipe.
You'll need:

  • a bottle with a wide mouth, a volume of 2 liters;
  • 2 cups of citrus peel to fill half the bottle. It can be orange, lemon, lime, mandarin, grapefruit and many others;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • watering can;
  • strainer or gauze;
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar.

Cooking Instructions:

Cut the entire peel into small pieces that can pass through the opening of the bottle. Then add water, sugar, yeast and mix everything thoroughly. Cut all the citrus slices into slices that fit in the opening of the bottle. Add water, sugar, yeast and beat for 30 seconds. Then lightly close the bottle cap so that air can escape and not accumulate in the bottle.

After a day or two, a foam forms due to yeast fermentation. Shake the bottle thoroughly daily for the first few days to mix the yeast and let the air out.
Have you noticed the convex right side of the gas accumulation?

After about 2 weeks, the enzyme will acquire color. Then you will need to decant the pulp and peel.
At the end, add apple cider vinegar to the resulting solution and store in a glass jar. You can dilute the resulting liquid in a ratio of 1:10 to water and clean your sofa. Also, this solution will be perfectly used as a universal cleaning agent.

This miracle solution can be used for other purposes, for example:

  1. for dishes and linen (use 1/4 cup of enzyme for dishwasher and washing machine)
  2. for washing the bath and toilet (dilute the enzyme with clean water in a ratio of 1:10)
  3. to remove stubborn stains and odors (used undiluted in the required amount)
  4. for peeling vegetables and fruits (dilute 1:10 with clean water)
  5. as a natural insect repellent (use undiluted)
  6. for mopping (dilute in a ratio of 1:20 with water)
  7. as a fertilizer for plants (dilute in a ratio of 1:20 with water)
  8. as a skin care product, such as a facial cleanser or tonic (diluted 1: 2 with water)
  9. for car washing - the car will look as if returned from polishing! (dilute 1:20 with water)

How to remove odor from a sofa using activated carbon?

Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent and odor control agent, even better than baking soda, and can handle a wide variety of particles. However, pouring activated carbon on a sofa is not a good idea, since you can irreparably ruin the look of your sofa. Instead, you can simply create a kind of sachet with activated carbon inside and hide them in the corners of the furniture to reduce odor.

How to remove odor from the couch: purchase of non-toxic products

There are many fresheners on the Internet that do not contain hazardous chemicals, although their effectiveness may be less than aggressive chemicals. The combination of several methods is always the most advantageous option in the struggle for the cleanliness and freshness of your sofa. The most effective solution will be a combination of the method with baking soda and a purchased spray.
We hope you have been helpful. And if you still have questions or have your own secret ways, write to us on Facebook or Instagram.
And for new sofas, we recommend choosing fabrics manufactured according to the FibreGuard and EverClean Plus standards, which provide not only easy cleaning, but also have all quality certificates, as well as antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties.

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